When Odin became Türst

Türst is a pagan spirit from the Lucerne region. Originally, he was none other than Odin, also known as Wotan, the chief god of Norse mythology.

When Christianity spread, the old gods did not completely disappear from people's minds. Instead, the new religious leaders transformed them into ghosts and spirits, whose power was said to be strongest when people strayed from a godly life.

Türst, also called Thürst or Vuotis, is described as a demonic hunter who frightens both people and animals. A meeting with him can cause madness or even death. He is followed by a wild pack of three-legged dogs or pigs. Anyone who gets in his way or does not move aside quickly enough is turned into one of these creatures and is doomed to follow him forever.

The Wild Hunt
The Wild Hunt

Türst is often said to hunt in forests and riverbeds, especially in places like Entlebuch, Wiggertal, Schiltwald, Hundsrücken, Würzenbachtobel (Lucerne), Horw, and Hergiswil. In almost every part of the canton, there are paths associated with him. Some places even bear his name, such as Türstegg in Escholzmatt and Türstbach in Hergiswil.

Sometimes, Türst is accompanied by a witch-like figure called the Sträggele. He is also described as riding an eight-legged horse, just like Odin.